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The Story of the Owyhee Project

Benefits of the Owyhee Project

Owyhee Project stores natural flow of the

Owyhee River to irrigate the arid desert. It

reduces flood damage and provides water for

fish and wildlife, recreation opportunities, and

to generate electricity.

Irrigated crops: $135 million

Livestock industry: $81 million

Recreation: 155,000 visits - $4.2 million

Flood damage prevented: $657,000



What’s the Yearly Value?

Irrigated crops: $135 million

Livestock industry: $81 million

Recreation: 155,000 visits - $4.2 million

Flood damage prevented: $657,000



The mission of the Bureau

of Reclamation is to manage,

develop, and protect water and

related resources in an environmentally and

economically sound manner in the interest of

the American public. Snake River Area Office (208) 383-2248