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About Us

The Story of the Owyhee Project

Benefits of the Owyhee Project

Owyhee Project stores natural flow of the

Owyhee River to irrigate the arid desert. It

reduces flood damage and provides water for

fish and wildlife, recreation opportunities, and

to generate electricity.

Irrigated crops: $135 million

Livestock industry: $81 million

Recreation: 155,000 visits - $4.2 million

Flood damage prevented: $657,000



What’s the Yearly Value?

Irrigated crops: $135 million

Livestock industry: $81 million

Recreation: 155,000 visits - $4.2 million

Flood damage prevented: $657,000



The mission of the Bureau

of Reclamation is to manage,

develop, and protect water and

related resources in an environmentally and

economically sound manner in the interest of

the American public. Snake River Area Office (208) 383-2248


Contact Information

South Board of Control Contact Information

Office Open Weekdays: 8:00AM to 5:00PM

Water Orders Mon-Sat: 7:00AM to 7:30AM

South Board Office 337-3760
Water Office 337-3505 or 337-4141


After Hours, Weekends, and Holidays - Ditchrider Contacts:

#21 Joe Egusquiza (208)697-8099
#22  Dave Bowman (208)889-7581
#24  Kyle Johnston (208)880-2227
#25  Jeff Woodside (208)748-8404
#26  Gerry Milburn (208)724-8394








Water Emergency Numbers Only

Carl Seiders (Manager) (208)899-5665
Ryan Nash (208)412-2065
Mike Miller (208)989-2179
Marsing Pump Plant (208)989-2268



Office Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Manager Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



P. O. Box 67

Homedale, ID 83628

Welcome to the South Board of Control Website



2024 Water Year Updates

On 2/20/24 the Joint Board set the 2024 New Gem & Ridgeview water Allotment at 4 acre feet.   Turn on dates for the South Canal from the Owyhee will be March 27th and April 15th for the River Pumps.



2024 Ditchrider Changes

Joe Egusquiza will be on Ride 21 replacing Mike Miller who was promoted to Maintenance Suppervisor

Dave Bowman will remain on Ride 22

Kyle Johnston will be on Ride 24 

Jeff Woodside will remain on Ride 25

Gerry Milburn will be on Ride 26 replacing Adam Combs

We have a pretty new crew so please be patient during their learning process.



The South Board of Control has selected Carl Seiders to be the New Manager.

Carl can be reached by calling the SBOC office at (208)337-3760 or by cell (208)899-5665. 

Board Meetings Notice

The Monthly District Board Meetings will be held on Tuesday, August 13th in the conferance room at 201 W Wyoming in Homedale:  

  • Ridgeview Irrigation District regular monthly meeting at 7:00 p.m.
  • Gem Irrigation District regular monthly meeting at 7:15 p.m.
  • South Board of Control regular monthly meeting at 7:30 p.m.


District Newsletter

None Currently available